Hejsan! Jag har inte haft en sekund vid datorn idag sÃ¥ därför har bloggningen uteblivit men det kommer jag ta igen nu pÃ¥ kvällen! I morse Ã¥kte jag ut till mamma och pappa och sÃ¥ har jag och mamma varit ute pÃ¥ lite äventyr med bilen. Det var sÃ¥ himla vackert ute idag! Bilderna ovan är bara tvÃ¥ av hundratals jag tog. Solen strÃ¥lade, allt var snötäckt och luften glittrade av pyttesmÃ¥ snöflingor. Men kallt var det, USCH sÃ¥ vi har frusit. SÃ¥ ni fÃ¥r uppskatta outfitbilderna som kommer upp senare lite extra! ð
Hi there! I have not had one second at the computer today, so therefore there has been no blogging but I will make it up to you this evening! This morning I went out to mom and dad’s and then mom and I were out on a little adventure with the car. It was so amazingly beautiful out today! The pictures above are just two of hundreds I took. The sun was shining, everything was covered in snow and the air sparkled with tiny snowflakes. But it was SO. DAMN, COLD. So you have to appreciate the outfitpictures I’ll publish later a little extra! ð