Namn: Fanny Staaf
Ålder: 23 år
Bor: Perth, Australia
Gör: Event & Bröllopskoordinator
Kontakt blogg: [email protected]
Kontakt bröllop/event: [email protected]
Titta vilket sött armband jag hittade i brevlÃ¥dan igÃ¥r! Det är frÃ¥n Pilgrim (genom 21Diamonds). Det kommer vara perfekt för att piffa upp min handled i höst tillsammans med en massa enklare silverarmband. Detaljer, detaljer…
First I just want to apologize to all of you international readers. I have not had the time to translate into English the past few days. It has been really stressful with fashion week and everything but now I’m back again! Look what a cute bracelet I found in the mailbox yesterday! It is made by Pilgrim (from 21Diamonds). It will be perfect to spice up my wrist in the fall along with a bunch of other simple silver bracelet. Details, details …